My square song features a happy singing square character that lets children not only see a square shape, but also gives them a catchy fun song to sing-a-long with.
The square song and character focus on the characteristics of a square.
4 straight lines
4 equal sides
I wrote this song to be a simple and fun way for kids to remember the basic concepts and features of a square. Have your children sing with our square character and then find squares in their environment to enhance and broaden their experience.
Im a square, Im a square
Over here and over there
I have 4 equal sides made of 4 straight lines
I kinda look like a box from my bottom to my top
I dont have any hair, now draw me in the air
Make a straight line up
Another straight line over
Another straight line down
A straight line back to the start and were there
Im a square, Im a square, Im a square
Im a square, Im a square
Over here and over there
I have 4 equal sides made of 4 straight lines
I kinda look like a box from my bottom to my top
I dont have any hair, now draw me in the air
One straight line up
Another straight line over
Another straight line down
A straight line back to the start and were there
Im a square, Im a square, Im a square
Im a square, Im a square, Im a square
Math All Around Me