The Difference Between b and d | Jack Hartmann Telling b from d

March 09 2023

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Jack Hartmanns The Difference Between b and d video helps children distinguish between the letter b and the letter d. Watch and learn some very hands on tools for helping students remember the difference between b and d. The letters b and d are common letter reversals and this kinesthetic tool will engage students bodies and brains and give them a hands on method to help them remember how to distinguish between the letters b and d. Give students the tools to help them with b and d reversal confusion. This song will help students remember and identify the difference between b & d and b and d reversals with a kinesthetic tool to help them remember. The difference between b and d song.


This is letter b

This is letter d

Sometimes to tell the difference is not so easy

So heres a little trick to keep in your mind

How to tell the difference every time

Put both hands together out front in a fist

Both thumbs up, just like this

It looks like a bed

Spelled bed

First letter b





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