Check out a sample of the catchy song, I’m A Little Chick, from My World: Easter Songbook
This video shows a sample of the Words on Screen™ Singchronize player playing I’m A Little Chick, from My World: Easter Songbook. Our amazing Words on Screen Singchronize software allows children to sing-along to assembly songs as the lyrics light up in front of them.
I’m A Little Chick is a wonderfully energetic song that all the children will love to do actions to as they sing- along. It is also a great song to introduce some percussion to as the beat is strong and easy for the children to pick up.
My World: Easter is a cracking collection of 12 Easter and spring-themed songs will launch you into the season with a delightful variety of topics from Palm Sunday and the Easter story, to Mother’s Day and pancakes. So, put on your Easter Bonnet, follow The Easter Egg Trail and sing your way through this fantastic array of Easter delights, which are aimed at ages 3 to 7.
This video features our W