Banana Banana Meatball Song | Songs For Kids | Dance Along | GoNoodle

January 25 2023

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Josephine Reotutar

Patterns made of shapes, patterns made of grapes. Patterns in the air, patterns everywhere. Patterns in an app, patterns in this sing and dance along to this lit pattern song by Blazer Fresh!

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Patterns in the air

Patterns everywhere!

Patterns made of shapes

Patterns made of grapes

Patterns on a cheetah

Patterns on my feetah

Patterns in an app

Patterns in this rap

Make a pattern

Make a pattern

Lets make a Pattern


Make a pattern

Make a pattern

Lets make a Pattern

Ok, here’s one...

Banana, Banana, Meatball

Banana, Banana, Meatball

Banana, Banana, Meatball

Banana, Banana, Meatball

Banana, Banana, Meatball

You got it! Turn it up now!

Make a pattern

Make a pattern

Lets make a Pattern


Make a pattern

Make a pattern

Lets make a Pattern

Ok. Heres one:

Nod - Clap - Shake your hips

Nod - Clap - Shake your hips

Nod - Clap - Shake your hips

Nod - Clap - Shake your hips

Nod - Clap - Shake your hips

Bring it back! C’mon y’all!

Make a pattern

Make a pattern

Lets make a Pattern


Make a pattern

Make a pattern

Lets make a Pattern

Ok. Heres one!

Loud! Loud! Quiet. Quiet.

Loud! Loud! Quiet. Quiet.

Loud! Loud! Quiet. Quiet.

Loud! Loud! Quiet. Quiet.

Loud! Loud! Quiet. Quiet.

Patterns when I walk

Patterns when I talk

Patterns in my brain

Patterns down the drain!

Patterns on my nail

Patterns on a snail

Patterns on the walls

Going straight into my eyeballs!

Plaids and Zig Zags, Stripes and Spots

Spirals, Tiles, Tater Tots

Everywhere I look these patterns emerge

And then I start to get this funny urge...

To make a pattern

Make a pattern

Lets make a Pattern


Make a pattern

Make a pattern

Lets make a Pattern

Ok.last one:

Elbow - Stomach - Stomach - Elbow!

Elbow - Stomach - Stomach - Elbow!

Elbow - Stomach - Stomach - Elbow!

Elbow - Stomach - Stomach - Elbow!

Elbow - Stomach - Stomach - Elbow!

Patterns in the air

Patterns everywhere!

Patterns made of shapes

Patterns made of grapes

Patterns on a cheetah

Patterns on my feetah

Patterns in an app

Patterns in this rap!

One more time! C’mon!

Make a pattern

Make a pattern

Lets make a Pattern

I really love patterns.

Make a pattern

Make a pattern

Lets make a Pattern

Jump up and down!

Im like totally obsessed with patterns.

My nickname is patterns!

Anywhere you look you can see a pattern and point it right out. You just gotta be paying attention.

About GoNoodle: GoNoodle videos get kids moving to be their strongest, bravest, silliest, smartest, bestest selves. Join the party and get ready for a fun-filled day of dancing, stretching, running, jumping, deep breathing, and wiggling with GoNoodle.

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Banana Banana Meatball Song | Songs For Kids | Dance Along | GoNoodle





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